CRA to Send $1,700 OAS & $650 Extra Help in March 2025 – How Seniors Will Benefit!

With March 2025 just around the corner, many Canadian seniors are interested to know how the financial assistance they are going to receive: $1,700 OAS and $650 Additional Assistance will impact their lives financially. OAS and GIS are vital supplemental financial benefits designed for older adults who, after retirement, would need a steady income.

In this article, we will be going step-by-step through OAS and GIS benefits, explaining who qualifies for them, the process to apply, and answer some frequently asked questions.

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$1,700 OAS and $650 Additional Assistance: How to get the benefits?

Seniors will have the OAS and Additional Assistance of $1,700 and $650 disbursed in March 2025. This financial support will be helpful in many of their daily requirements such as health service and lifestyle needs.

To benefit from this scheme, the eligibility criteria must be fulfilled and to know the amount of the payment must be applied within the correct time.

OAS and GIS Payments for 2025

Benefit TypeAge GroupMaximum Monthly Payment (2025)Eligibility Criteria
Old Age Security (OAS)65-74 years$727.67– Must be a Canadian citizen or legal resident
– Must have lived in Canada for at least 10 years after the age of 18
Old Age Security (OAS)75 years and over$800.44Same criteria as above
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)All eligible seniorsUp to $1,086.88– Must be receiving OAS
– Annual income must be below the government’s specified limit

What is Old Age Security (OAS)?

An income supplement provided by the Government of Canada, retirement benefits starting at age 65 are known as Old Age Security (OAS). The OAS is not like the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) since it is not funded by pre-paid contributions; in fact, it is paid out of general tax revenues by the federal government.

Eligibility Criteria for OAS

To be eligible to receive OAS, the following conditions must be met:

  • Age 65 or older.
  • A Canadian citizen or legal resident.
  • A minimum of 10 years residency in Canada after reaching 18 years of age.

If you live outside Canada, at least 20 years of residency in Canada.

OAS payment amount (2025)

  • For seniors aged 65 to 74: Up to $727.67 per month.
  • For seniors aged 75 and over: Up to $800.44 per month.

OAS amount is adjusted quarterly according to the cost of living.

What is the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)?

A GIS is paid to low-income seniors who already receive OAS. GIS payments are tax-free, meaning they are not subject to income tax.

Eligibility Criteria for GIS

To be eligible to receive GIS:

  • You must be paid OAS.
  • You must have less than the annual income under the yearly limit set by the government.
  • GIS payment amount (2025)
  • For seniors living alone, widowed or divorced: Up to $1,086.88 per month.
  • Married or common-law partners (who are both receiving OAS): $654.23 per month each.
  • GIS payments amount will also be adjusted every quarter.

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How much will be the total monthly payment?

If a senior is eligible for OAS and GIS, he or she will receive the following payments:

  • For seniors aged 65 to 74 years, the following payments would be available (assuming no income)
  • OAS payment of $727.67 plus GIS payment of $1,086.88 would total $1,814.55 per month.
  • For seniors aged 75 and above (again assuming no income)
  • OAS payment of $800.44 plus GIS payment of $1,086.88 would total $1,887.32 per month.

This money goes toward covering living, health care, and day-to-day expenses.

Payment OAS and GIS – March 2025

OAS and GIS payments are normally given by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) since they conduct all the payments on the third-last bank working day of each month.

Thus, it can be expected that March 2025 payments will be made on March 27, 2025.

How to apply for $1,700 OAS and $650 Extra Help?

OAS application

  • Automatic enrolment: Some seniors receive an automatic enrolment notification from Service Canada.
  • Manual Application: If you have not received such a notification, you must apply online through My Service Canada Account or submit a paper application.

GIS application

  • GIS cannot be paid automatically; there is a separate application for it.
  • In order to receive GIS, fill out a GIS application form and submit it to Service Canada.

OAS Clawback (OAS Recovery Tax)

If a senior citizen’s annual income exceeds $86,912, he or she may be required to pay back some portions of his or her OAS pension. This is called OAS clawback or OAS recovery tax.


The OAS, which is $1,700, and the additional support, which is $650 to be sent by the Government of Canada in March 2025, are intended to provide financial relief to seniors. Low-income seniors, in particular, will find this payment helpful in meeting living expenses, health care, and other necessary expenses. If you qualify, ensure you have applied for GIS and that your bank information remains up to date. This plan will benefit thousands of seniors, improving their economic security and quality of life.


Q. Which seniors are eligible for this payment?

A. Seniors who are Canadian residents, age 65 or older, and have lived in Canada for at least 10 years may be eligible for this payment.

Q. How will the $1,700 OAS and $650 additional support be received?

A. This payment will be deposited directly into a bank account by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or may be sent as a cheque.

Q. Do you have to apply for this support amount?

A. Some seniors are automatically enrolled for OAS, while GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement) requires application.

Q. What is the payment date for OAS and GIS?

A. This payment is expected to be made on March 27, 2025, in March 2025.

Q. 5. Will OAS payments be taxed?

A. OAS is taxed, but GIS payments are tax-free. If your annual income is more than $86,912, you may face an OAS Clawback on OAS

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